Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Compilation of Things I Love - Happy Valentine's Day

Things I love - in no particular order:
If stranded on a desert island, this is one of the 705 things I would bring.  I cannot live without Lubriderm.  It doesn't have a perfumey smell, it's rich, it's thick and it stays with you.  I would bathe in it if I could.  I beg Jason to rub it on my feet every day.  Sometimes I scream it at him and then I try and bribe him; whatever works.

I'm up to about 70 of these now.  What can I say? It goes with everything. 

This is only the cutest thing ever.  Birds are a favorite thing of mine, and this thing, chirps when you remove a paper clip. 

Mom and Dad got me 2 sets of these dishes for Christmas.  Who doesn't like orange?  Who doesn't like funky orange dishes?

This is our KitchenAid garlic press. Up until 3 years ago, I never used a garlic press.  I can only say that this is one of the best inventions EVER.  Put the clove in it, squeeze it and teeny tiny pieces of garlic comes out. Amazing.

Aveeno Shampoo.  It's a good thing.  It's an expensive thing.  It's not for teenage girls who have no concept of how much things cost and how much is too much to use.  Buy it, hide it. 

I make tea, every day.  I make tea with loose leaf tea, every day.  I use this french press to make tea with loose leaf tea every day.  I heart it, if something happens to it, I will cry. 

Vampires.  I liked vampires when vampires weren't even cool, man.  
Read it, love it and then give it to your teen.  
Or your best friend Sonya who still has it.  

If you have never listened to anything I have ever said, listen to me now: 
When purchasing flannel sheets, go for the WOOLRICH brand.
I know what I am talking about.  We even use our Woolrich sheets in the SUMMER, how do you like that baby?  They are soooo thick and soooo soft and they do not, I said DO NOT ball up when you wash them, they only get better.  I know, I know, the prints are not the best, we slept on blue plaid ones with moose throughout the fall-it doesn't matter people.  I would sleep on them if they had pictures of Obama. 
(you can get them at Target)

Endless possibilities. I love Sharpies, who doesn't.  I put a pencil holder full of Sharpies on our home office desk and threatened the kids and Jason that they were not to be removed under any circumstances and that if they were I would make them ALL stand in the corner until the culprit came forward. 
There is an single Sharpie left in that pencil holder.  An orange one, without the lid. 

Ballerina shoes and skinny jeans. 
These things go together like peanut butter and jelly.
There are some skinny jeans that only look good on skinny people BUT there are a few out there that any body can wear.  Get the kind that has lots and lots of spandex in them.  Buy several pairs of ballerina shoes and you got yourself a sweet wardrobe, baby. 
Ballerina shoes are not expensive, and they are not just for ballerinas. 
Are they even called ballerina shoes?  idk, that's just what I call them.

Yes, I'll have an Iced-Venti-White-Chocolate-Mocha-Espresso-No-Whip.
What's that? $27.00? Okay.

Who doesn't love embroidered pillow cases? So cute.

These are all over my house and yet I can never find one.  A messy bun must.

Oh yeah baby, now we're talkin' ...
Reef Flip Flops.
It is a sad, sad day when I have to put them away for winter. 
Yes, they are expensive but once you've gone Reef, you never go back.  They will last multiple summers.  They will look better after each year. 
They are about $40.00.
I bought Jason a pair for his birthday a few years ago with a bottle opener in the heel. Are you kidding me?

Kosher Salt = 79 cents.
It'll change the way you cook.  Always use it.

Prince.  Happy Valentines Day.
You don't know happiness till you have heard Lauren, Logan and Jason singing "Kiss" at the top of their lungs, in the car, on the way to church.  
So, my BFF bought me this at Target cause she said it looked like me. 
I must say, I freaking love it!
I love it so much that I buy it for everyone in my office for their birthdays. 
But not in orange, cause I know not everyone likes orange like me.
It's a clutch wallet and when you don't feel like carrying a big purse, it's wonderful.

My favorite show. EVER.
If it is ever on TV, I stop what I am doing and watch it.  I cannot help it.
A few of my favorite lines:
"and now, it's time for the airing of grievances."
"I have seen the nipple on your soul"
"a muffin can be very filling"
"I'm going out in a blaze of incompetence"
"I'm out there, and I'm loooving every minute of it."
"Jerry, these are load bearing walls"
"I don't have a square to spare"
"Produce section, it's very provocative area, alot of melon shapes and everyone is squeezing and smelling"

New favorite recipe alert:
Pioneer Womans - Buttered Rosemary Rolls.
My family thinks I made this up. 
They are obsessed, I am obsessed.

I'm sorry to do this to you.
I must post this next picture because it is my all time favorite thing.
I call it: THE NOOK.

I remember when this was taken; it was a HOT Virginia Beach Day, our air conditioning was broken.
We had both just got home from work and we didn't even want to move.  The kids kept coming in our room and asking when dinner was gonna happen; one of them snapped this picture. 
I keep this picture hidden in my desk at work.  I look at it all the time and think it's where I will be soon.
It's everything that is safe and everything that is good.
He holds me tightly. He smells so good.
He kisses my forehead without even knowing.
He doesn't let me roll over, not that I ever want to.
